This is in response to all the new students. So many of you have been asking of how to write your exams without Matriculation Number. In this post, i am going to show you how to check and get your Martic Numbers.
Note that only those that have paid their tuition fees, verified their payments, printed their student information form, course form and exam card can be given Matriculation Numbers.
Now, how to get your Matric Number. This can be gotten on your Course Form or Exam Card. This is the reason why i said you must pay your school fees before getting your Matric Number.
Open and view the picture attached to this post to see how and where to locate your Matriculation Number on your course form or Exams Card.
Note: that those that wrote Exams today Were asked to use that as their Matric Number.
For students that have paid their school fees, you can come to us for your tuition fees payment verification and then printing of your Students Information Form, Course Forms and Exam card.
For Further Enquiries and Clarification Call us on 08065743583
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